We visited Shree Lubra Basic School (a Tibetan Bon school) in Lubra, Mustang.
May 27, 2023. We visited Shree Lubra Basic School (a Tibetan Bon school) in Lubra, Mustang.
We visited Shree Lubra Basic School (a Tibetan Bon school) in Lubra, Mustang, where 86 students reside. Taiwan Mother Hen Society donated 25,000 Nepal Repuee. The children were well-behaved, disciplined, and dressed neatly. During their mealtime, there was excellent order, with the children helping each other serve the food. Everyone waited until the chantting was done before starting to eat.
After the meal, the children washed their own dishes and remembered to brush their teeth. Not only the students but also the school environment itself was very clean. Among all the schools visited by Taiwan Mother Hen Society, this one stood out as the most successful in terms of life education.
We witnessed their dedication to educating children and preserving local traditional culture, which was the reason of our society to donate. Taiwan Mother Hen Society also hopes that the school will properly manage external resources to improve the children's lives and education.